
[icon] Betelgeuse

Named after the red supergiant 427 light years away, Betelgeuse is a simple software raytracer. It features:

  • Input format similar to POV-Ray.
  • Several types of geometry, such as triangle, sphere, cone, etc.
  • Boolean operations for closed geometric objects (union, difference, intersection).
  • Three light models - point light, spot light and directional light.
  • Dynamically build BSP tree of objects used during ray intersections.
  • Miscellaneous ways to define objects' texture coordinates.
  • Parallel raytracing on computers connected via network.
  • Anti-aliasing of final images.

Download Download Betelgeuse with examples (820KB)

Betelgeuse was actually part of my Master's Thesis. The Thesis also contains an explanation on how a raytracer works and describes the architecture of Betelgeuse. It's written in Polish.

Download Download my Thesis in Polish (1MB)

